
Train Attack: FG Says Terrorists’Demand Impossible; Negotiation Stalled

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Reports suggest that the Federal Government has rejected the demands of the terrorists behind the Kaduna-Abuja train attack, thereby leaving the fate of the abducted passengers hanging in the balance.⁣
The terrorists are believed to be holding captive over 100 passengers, who were abducted from the train when it came under a bomb attack at Katari, Kaduna state.⁣
The incident which occured on Monday, March 28, 202, also left nine persons dead and 26 others injured as gunmen attacked the passenger train and took away victims.⁣
According to the Nigerian Railway Corporation, 170 people aboard the ill-fated train, including seven crew members, have remained incommunicado since the unfortunate attack.⁣
Meanwhile, Punch is reporting that the terrorists have demanded for the release of 16 of their commanders and sponsors in federal government custody, as a trade-off for the release of the abducted victims.⁣
This request has reportedly been deemed unacceptable to the government.⁣
Security sources also confirmed to the newspaper that negotiations were still ongoing with the terrorists, even as the government seek to explore other options to rescue the abductees.⁣
It was also gathered that the government is opposed to the idea of paying ransom for the release of the passengers, who were seen in a viral video sitting under a tree at an unknown location, touted to be the terrorists’ enclave.⁣
A source said, “The Federal Government is looking into their demands because of the hostages, but the government is being cautious; it cannot meet the demands of the terrorists. The last time the government released some commanders, they went back and the insurgency became worse.⁣
“So, nobody is considering releasing the commanders. The terrorists were also given money previously and the situation did not improve,” Punch reported.⁣
It was also reported that the lack of progress in their negotiations with government may force the terrorists to turn to the families of the hostages for ransom.⁣



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Reports suggest that the Federal Government has rejected the demands of the terrorists behind the Kaduna-Abuja train attack, thereby leaving the fate of the abducted passengers hanging in the balance.⁣
The terrorists are believed to be holding captive over 100 passengers, who were abducted from the train when it came under a bomb attack at Katari, Kaduna state.⁣
The incident which occured on Monday, March 28, 202, also left nine persons dead and 26 others injured as gunmen attacked the passenger train and took away victims.⁣
According to the Nigerian Railway Corporation, 170 people aboard the ill-fated train, including seven crew members, have remained incommunicado since the unfortunate attack.⁣
Meanwhile, Punch is reporting that the terrorists have demanded for the release of 16 of their commanders and sponsors in federal government custody, as a trade-off for the release of the abducted victims.⁣
This request has reportedly been deemed unacceptable to the government.⁣
Security sources also confirmed to the newspaper that negotiations were still ongoing with the terrorists, even as the government seek to explore other options to rescue the abductees.⁣
It was also gathered that the government is opposed to the idea of paying ransom for the release of the passengers, who were seen in a viral video sitting under a tree at an unknown location, touted to be the terrorists’ enclave.⁣
A source said, “The Federal Government is looking into their demands because of the hostages, but the government is being cautious; it cannot meet the demands of the terrorists. The last time the government released some commanders, they went back and the insurgency became worse.⁣
“So, nobody is considering releasing the commanders. The terrorists were also given money previously and the situation did not improve,” Punch reported.⁣
It was also reported that the lack of progress in their negotiations with government may force the terrorists to turn to the families of the hostages for ransom.⁣


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