
World Mental Health Day 2022: Stay Mentally Healthy This Week With These Five Tips

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Mental health is the state of good emotional, psychological and social well-being. When we can handle stress, make healthy choices, and live happily both with ourselves and with others, we can say for sure that we are mentally healthy. In a world where we have to make a lot of choices and overcome challenges, being mentally stable and healthy is important.

Here are five ways to stay healthy this week:

Value Yourself

It is human to choose others over ourselves, especially family and friends. This is because we love them and want things to go well with them. However, if you must be healthy in mind, there must be a balance and a value for yourself as much as for others. This week, value you.

Take care of your body

This week, take care of your physical body. Exercise, eat well, and treat your body with care. A quote says “health is hearty, health is harmony, health is happiness”. The benefits of taking care of your body are that it keeps you active and can have positive impacts on your brain and mood.

Be mindful of the present

Physical presence and mindfulness can help you stay healthy. Take time every day this week to stay in the presence of your activities, thoughts, and actions. Avoid focusing on the past or the future, rather, enjoy this moment. The benefits of these are that mindfulness can help with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Surround yourself with the right people

The right people for you do not have to be a crowd. They can be family or a few friends. Surround yourself with people who see the best in you and can give you the comfort you need always. Be around people that you can have fun and relax.

Learn/do something new

Monotony can be tiring. This week, take some time to add something new to your schedule. It can be as simple as following a different route to work, or doing an exciting activity. Do something fun, light, and activities that will relieve you and keep you happy.

Cheers to a mentally healthy week!

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