
Six Reasons You Shouldn’t Bleach Your Skin

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The skin is the outer layer of the body, which serves as protection against germs. It also helps to regulate body temperature. Skin whitening or bleaching has become a recurring trend amongst people who believe that they would become more beautiful or handsome by bleaching their skins.

Dark-skinned individuals (male and female) especially believe that they would access better opportunities if they had fairer skin. Modeling /advertisement agencies, film industries, and other sectors have validated these thoughts, suggesting that light skinned individuals are more attractive, more successful and have a “glow” that draws people to them. People who feel the need to lighten their skins should be aware of the adverse effects. Here are five reasons you shouldn’t dare to bleach your skin.

Kidney Failure

Skin bleaching agents can result in the excessive leaking of protein in the urine (nephrotic syndrome) and kidney failure. These patients start experiencing swelling of the face, feet and the whole body, with a possible reduction in the volume of urine.

High Blood Sugar

Bleaching causes high blood sugar because of the steroids contained in them. The whitening cream seeps through the skin and enters the bloodstream, which causes the blood sugar to rise. This can even result to diabetes.

Liver Failure

Bleaching may cause irreparable liver damage. Eventually, liver failure can be a result of long-time skin lightening.

It Causes Cancer

Skin whitening may result in cancer. This Is because of the dangerous chemicals contained in them that produce free radical cells which in turn causes cancer.

Frequent Injuries

The stretching and thinning of the skin caused by bleaching creams make it difficult for users to heal quickly from a wound or injury, compared to those who don’t bleach their skin.

Renal Damage

This is the most common effect brought by bleaching creams, especially those that contain mercury. Frequent use of cream containing mercury can lead to life-threatening renal damage. 

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